45 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016ㆍ(212) 714-9494
1485 Palisade Avenue Fort Lee, NJ 07024ㆍ(201) 461-9400
Sinus Disorder
The medical and surgical treatment of sinusitis is at the heart of Dr. Ahn’s practice. Dr. Ahn is a pioneer in balloon sinuplasty, the least invasive sinus treatment available, and in the use of Strata sinus implants. He also performs endoscopic sinus surgery with the lastest image-guided navigation for improved accuracy. Dr. Ahn is especially well known for his packing-free nasal and sinus surgical techniques, which greatly minimize patient discomfort during the post-operative period. Also available are laser turbinectomy and minmally invasive turbinate reduction with microdebrider for the treatment of nasalobstruction.
DR.AHN によるサイナス手術(蓄膿症手術)は従来日本で行われている手術方法とは大幅に違います。
DR. AHNの行う手術